Sunday, December 8, 2013

Tis' the Season to Give A Little Love

I've been thinking a lot about what to write about this week, there are so many topics and issues that I want to diacuss but considering the wonderful time of year we are in I wanted to take a moment and talk about importance of giving service to those around you.

I have always absolutely loved this time of year and the atmosphere it covers the world with. This is the one time of the year that everyone has a loving spirit about them; they are caring, giving, happy, and filled with love. People go out of their way to serve those around them, friends and strangers alike. We donate toys to children in need, volunteer at soup kitchens, send out cards filled with warm wishes, and find creative ways to spread thais beautiful spirit into every home. 

Personally, I love this time of year because it gives me a "cover", an excuse to help people and do that little bit of extra for someone without looking like a "weirdo". I love helping people but sometimes I do it to the extreme because I don't think their should be a limit to the help we give others. If they need help, they need help, and I will without hesitation help them. People call me a weirdo but it is something that has shaped who I am! Everyone needs that reminder of their importance, that extra hand in a chore or project, or a smile to get them through a tough time and if we are capable of helping we should. 

 In this day and age we are constantly on the go. The short 24 hours we are given each day is jam packed with work, family, friends, errands, and a plethora of other things that always seem to keep us on the run. We get lost in these daily tasks and forget about those around us. We are masked from struggles of those standing next to us or those we interact with because all we are able to see  is our own personal to do lists. 

There is a story that I recently learned of that I want to share with you: It is about a police officer who took the time to notice a man in need. 
The officer was waking into a local conscience store when he noticed a man siting on the ground out front on a very cold night. What caught the officers attention even more so was that this man was sitting there with old tattered clothes, no real coat, and no shoes or socks. Without hesitation the officer walked up to this poor man, took off his own shoes, and placed them on the mans feet. He did not expect any recognition, he did not do it for the attention, he simply saw the need of his fellow brother and took action. 

What an example. If I ever had the opportunity to thank that officer I would not hesitate. But even more so, I will take his example to heart and help those who need it. It brings my heart such joy to know that our world is filled with people who love their fellow man and show it. What can you do today to make it better for someone else? Giving to others is a two way win. You give someone the opportunities they need to better their own life and in turn you get that warmth in your heart that can't be filled by anything other then an act of service. 

I challenge you to remember the lessons this time of year brings us and keep it with you year round. Try to help those in need. Remember that it could make a greater difference than you may ever realize. People are the most important things we have in our lives, more then any possession we have. Its time we start showing it all year long!
Happy Holidays to you all!  

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful reminders, Tacy! Thank you for the gift of you! <3
