Thursday, November 14, 2013

Anxious and Full of Life!

Everyone has challenges. We all face the world with the hope of making it through the day. The ups and downs of each day can be exhausting and enthralling, they can be blessings and curses all at one time. As for me, I face the world and the challenges it places in front of me like all of you but I face it with anxiety. We all have something that makes it harder but that's all the more reason for us to want to fight with all we've got. The sweet rewards that our successes bring us are made all the better when made harder. 

Now, anxiety can be crippling, it is conning and deceitful. It has the power to keep you in bed all day and make you believe that there is no better place for you to be. It is a nasty little voice that is always whispering and trying to fool you into believing the worst of yourself and the things going on in your life. I can't tell you how many times this little anxious voice has convinced me that I am so small and so purposeless. For many years I let it win. It took all my fight from me and I let it. I became a puppet to it and to anything else in my life at the time. It was sad to see really and it was no life to live. 

That is until the day I chose to take back my life. The hardest part about pushing back anxiety is realizing that you are in control, not it. Some days are harder then others but even on the hardest of days you are in control. Never believe that you are enslaved to anxiety. Take back your life. Making that chose and deciding that I wanted to live a happy, full life was the best decision I could of made. 

Here's the trick.... you have to understand that you have to live with the anxiety, almost like a partnership but one that you have control over and not the other way around. You are the boss. It is not a comfortable thing to do but you slowly learn to embrace the feelings of a constricted chest, sweaty palms, and the shakes because it means you are doing something daring. It means that you are doing something you are not comfortable with, something new and exciting. You are making the choice to live an exciting full life with your anxiety. 

Don't let it win. I am not a doctor but I am anxious and now the difficulties it brings first hand. I am going to be sharing the things I do each week that make me anxious and that are challenging for me. Maybe it'll inspire you to do the same. If there is ever any question or topic you wish for me to share about please feel free to ask. I am open to everyone. Anxiety stinks but it is not the author of my story and it most certainly should not be the author of yours!


  1. Love this so much, Casey Doo - I am so impressed and so proud and so inspired! LOVE YOU!!!

  2. CDOO! You are such an inspiration to me. You have come so far with the challenges that have been thrown at you. You are Amazing, Beautiful, and UNIQUE!! And I mean Unique in a very good way. Life will always throw you curve balls but guess what you will never be alone. I have learned that if you lean on those who actually care about you, it will make the journey so much easier. I am proud of you and so grateful to have you as one of my close friends. LOVE YOU CDOO!!!

    1. Oh Behms! Thank you so much for your support and your effect in my life! You were such a blessing and have lifted me up so much. You are one of my truest friends. Thank you Behms!
