Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Trigger Happy

The world surrounds us with influences. It is nearly impossible to escape the whirl wind of ups, downs, goods, bad, do's, and don'ts. Every influence has a different effect on each and every one of us. Somethings that have a positive influence on one person may have a negative influence to another.  It all depends on who you are.

When dealing with anxiety there are positive influences, negative influences, and influences that become triggers. Triggers are those nasty little things that can take you from the top of the world to a sudden downward spiral that takes days to get out of. Triggers come in all shapes and sizes, some are people, some are situations, some are even objects but no matter what they are they all have the same crippling effect. 

Whenever I hit a trigger effect I can no longer breather, I have the most constricting feeling in my chest and I can no longer focus on anything but the trigger. I no longer know what to do. The world has come to a complete stop and it feels like that world is going to shatter. These are the most inconvenient when I am at work or out with friends because of course you don't want anyone to be aware of the small atomic bomb going off inside of you. So what do you do? How do you find your way out of the fire? 

Do you drop everything and go home, do you take medicine that calms the trigger for you? I don't know the answer for you, only you can figure that out. But for me I start with a breath. One simple breath. I close my eyes and remind myself to breathe. When a trigger hits it's as if all the air has escape from your lungs and you are grasping for even smallest amount to grant you relief. After I take my breath I talk to my mind (you know that thing in your head thats racing a mile a minute) and I remind myself that these currant horrible feelings are just that, feelings, and they are going to pass. 

We can have so many triggers, in so many shapes and sizes and the best thing to eventually do with them is throw them away. Remove them from your life. You only live once, you only have one life that was given to you and you can't let anything get in your way. You have to fight. (You will find that I will talk a lot about fighting through the hard times. But there is never a moment that you should stop fighting. You are always worth the effort and hardships. Never stop fighting for your happiness and your victory). 

Start taking note of the things that trigger you and start taking action. Get rid of them. Ask yourself if they are really worth your happiness. You have the power! And you have the worth. It is never too late to make a change for the better. Start now.

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