Thursday, November 28, 2013

Give a Little Thanks!

Today is a day to take a moment and remember what you are thankful for. It's a universal day that we all gather together, eat some amazing food, watch some football, maybe even play some football, and remember the truly important things in life. This time of year, this season, is my absolute favorite for that reason. Everyone around the entire world starts to remember the important things. The real things that we have in our lives that we couldn't live without.

For me, family is one of the most important things in my life. I have never had an easy family life and because of that I have been blessed with seeing it's value and vitalness in growing up.

These brothers of mine have kept me going since they were born. They have gotten me out of the nastiest of anxiety attacks because of the pure, natural, beautiful love they have. And my mother has given each us of the qualities and characteristics we possess today. Their strength is my rock. 

Family is also not just the blood ties we have but also the people that are there for you through the worst and best of times and never flinch. Friendships are rare. The truest of friendships are often found only a few times in ones life. 


These girls have been there for me since we were in training bras and now between us, there's marriages, babies, careers, and pretty much everything else inbetween but that has never weakened our bond. We've just worked with it. I love it. 


I'm thankful for this girl right here and the amazing "Idaho" times we have had. And for the many more to come. Her strength has been such a blessings and example to me these past few years. 

And then there are these two crazy kids! Life works in the most amazing ways and it always brings the important people back into your life. Heavenly Father knows exactly what you need and when. These two have lifted me out of my dark place and helped me find myself again. It's the greatest feeling. True friends come into life at any time and never leaves.

Everyday is worth your thanks. We are made up of the good and the bad in our lives. They are what shape us. I am thankful for it all. Thank you to each and every one of you. You are amazing and beautiful. Live each day with a thankful and open heart. 

Now go enjoy some turkey! 

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